About Francois

About Francois

My love of African Art, and carvings in particular, began at a very young age while
growing up in Abidjan, Cote Ivoire. My grandfather was a master carver and
taught me much of what I know about this art form. Initially, I sold what I made
on the streets of Abidjan and was quite successful for someone not even a
teenager yet. Overtime, I developed a passion for finding carvings made many
years ago by masters, as well as more recently-made carvings. I frequently travel
from my home in New York City to West Africa to acquire these special pieces.
Indeed, many people reach out to me since they know I am always eager to
acquire one-of-a-kind works of art. There are times when I cannot resist adding
some of these to my personal collection, which is a temptation that must be
reined in for my sake.

My joy comes from sharing my knowledge and appreciation of African Art. I want
those who purchase from me to experience as much pleasure and satisfaction as I
do when they gaze upon a carving that speaks to them.
Please enjoy what you will see as you visit my website.

With gratitude - Francois

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